
Showing posts from February, 2023

Love Well #leadership 01

I’ve come to believe that there is one thing that’s most important as a leader... ...especially a pastoral leader.  When I think about who’s in charge, I have one most important attribute.   It’s not their education or expert authority.   It’s not their Emotional Intelligence score.   It’s not their ability to handle conflict, their cultural relevance, their strategic or visionary gifting, or their incredible faithfulness to Scripture.   I have one leadership attribute that matters most to me:   Do they love well? That’s it.  That’s the leadership trait I care the most about. At the end of the day, when all of their words, big events, ministries, audacious goals, big visions, capital campaigns, board meetings, sermon series, their leadership walk and talk, their trials and tribulations, their triumphs and successes: when they’re all said and done I have one question.  "Was this leader known as someone who loved others well?"   Another way to ...