Coping #ADD 03

For years, I drove my wife crazy. I’d go to get the pain reliever, and it wouldn’t be on the shelf in the bathroom cabinet where I put it. Immediately, I’d shout to her, “Honey, where’s the pain reliever?” She’d shout back (from the other side of the house), “It’s in the bathroom cabinet!” I’d shout back, “No, it isn’t!” “Yes, it is!” “No, it isn’t!” Frustrated, she’d stop whatever she was doing and come to the bathroom with me. I’d be standing there with the cabinet open and she’d point right at the pain reliever bottle - on the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet. “It’s right THERE.” She’d shake her head and look at me kind of funny, and then go back to what she was doing. I felt stupid. It WAS right there in the cabinet, but it was two shelves up from where I’D put it. When it wasn’t exactly where I expected it to be, I simply couldn’t see it. After she pointed it out, I DID feel silly for not looking...